FX Savings Calculator

Key Benefits

  1. Transparent Savings: Easily compare the savings you get with Weel against the standard 3% foreign transaction fee charged by the big four banks in Australia.
  2. Real-Time Calculations: Get up-to-date exchange rates and see the exact amount your recipient will receive after applying Weel’s low FX markup.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Our intuitive interface makes it simple to input your transaction amount and instantly see your savings.

How to Use the FX Savings Calculator

  1. Enter Your Payment Amount: Input the amount you wish to pay in AUD.
  2. View the Exchange Rate and Markup: The calculator displays the current Visa exchange rate and Weel’s competitive FX markup.
  3. See the Recipient's Amount: Instantly see the amount your recipient will receive in their local currency.
  4. Savings Highlighted: The calculator will show you the amount you save compared to the typical fees charged by major Australian banks.

We believe this new feature will provide significant value to our customers by making international transactions more affordable and transparent. By using Weel, you can ensure that more of your money goes where it’s needed, rather than being lost to high FX fees.

Thank you for your continued trust in Weel. We are committed to bringing you more features that make managing your finances simpler and more cost-effective. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting features!