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A better way to manage subscriptions

Keep track of all your subscriptions in one central location and save money on every international payment thanks to Weel's low FX rate.

Trusted by Australia's fastest growing businesses

CanvaMichael HillC3We are SocialUniting AgeWellXero

Get insight and control over all your subscription payments

Using our subscription dashboard, you can easily surface spending inefficiencies like duplicate subscriptions or irregular charges. When you need to, you can instantly cancel or pause payments, which will immediately prevent any further funds from being withdrawn.

Save the mucking around on card ownership transfers

If somebody leaves the business or changes roles, you can instantly transfer the owner of the subscription card to another card holder. You won’t need to update any of the subscription card details. How easy is that?


Avoid getting stung by credit card fraud

Rather than tying all of your subscriptions to a single corporate card, we allow you to create unique virtual cards for each subscription. Set maximum limits for each subscription, with any out-of-the-ordinary charges blocked and flagged.

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Your low FX rate business debit card

With global spending controls and a competitive foreign exchange rate, Weel’s Visa Business Debit cards have got your subscription spending sorted - wherever you make a payment.

Weel's Visa Business Debit Cards
Weel's Visa Business Debit Cards

“We were looking for a tool that was easy to use and quick to capture expense data. With Weel, we have now saved 870 hours on expense admin every month and seen a 70% reduction in processing time.”

Sarah Jennings, Banking and AR Manager, Michael Hill

Subscription Management Resources

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Frequently asked questions

How many virtual cards can I issue?

You can issue unlimited virtual cards.

How does Weel’s expense software help me manage my recurring business subscriptions?

You can use Weel to create a unique virtual card for every subscription, pause subscriptions at any time with the click of a button, and track all subscriptions from an easy-to-read dashboard. This allows you to build a simple subscription management system with virtual debit cards.

I wish to dispute a transaction, what do I do?

We recommend always trying to resolve the issue with the merchant before issuing a chargeback - merchants would almost always prefer to resolve the issue without a chargeback. If you have tried to contact the merchant and have been unable to reach a resolution, you can dispute the transaction by contacting us at We will act on your behalf and conduct the chargeback.

How does the Weel virtual card work?

Weel’s virtual cards work the same way plastic cards do, the only difference is that the virtual cards live on your phone instead of your wallet. The Weel virtual expense card is a debit card that can be used anywhere online or in-store that Visa is accepted. To use your Weel cards you need to first have funds available in your Weel account.

Can I pay for subscriptions that charge in USD or other currencies with Weel’s virtual cards?

Yes, Weel will convert any transactions from AUD into a foreign currency for you. Transactions made in a currency other than Australian Dollars will be subject to the prevailing Acquirer exchange rate at the time, plus a 0.95% foreign transaction fee.

How do I cancel a subscription and the associated virtual card?

You can cancel business subscriptions at any time by opening up the subscription on the Weel web expense manager app and clicking the pause button or clicking edit and then delete subscription. This will close the relevant virtual card and stop any future payments from processing.

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