Reclaim Your Productivity: Revolutionise Expense Management

June 2, 2024

By Ben Grossberg

Expense management doesn't just consume time—it steals thousands of hours annually, diverting focus from leadership, innovation and business growthin finance. From C-suite to recent hires, everyone agrees: traditional processes are painfully inefficient.

So, what exactly is expense management? It's the system for handling expenses and financial transactions, from processing reports to approving reimbursements, typically burdened by manual tasks like paper receipts and handwritten notes.

Business leaders or administrators?

Organisations hire leaders to drive growth and strategic planning, not to drown in administrative chores like expense processing. Yet, outdated systems force CFOs and finance teams into a support role, while sales leaders are tethered to their desks, grappling with expense reports.

What are the benefits of a better expense management process?

Imagine automating expense management—gaining real-time transaction visibility and slashing administrative time by up to 90%.

Benefits of implementing best practices in expense management:

  • Automated transaction coding
  • Digital receipt collection
  • Customised reporting
  • Timely reminders

Unlocking efficiency with virtual corporate cards

Virtual corporate cards are the new standard, empowering teams with instant issuance and real-time data access. No more waiting for physical cards or drowning in receipts. Here’s how they work:

  1. CFOs or Finance teams create virtual cards instantly.
  2. Team members install cards on their smartphones immediately.
  3. Transactions are reconciled on the go
  4. Finance gains real-time visibility and integrates data seamlessly

Your trusted partner for managing expenses and boosting productivity

Weel’s streamlined expense management software, trusted by businesses like Michael Hill and Uniting Agewell, liberates CFOs from mundane tasks and equips sales teams for field success. Say goodbye to productivity drains from manual expense processing.

Ready to step away from administrative overload? Discover how Weel transforms expense management.

Empower your team with streamlined expense processes and reclaim your productivity with Weel.

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