The credit card alternative built for not-for-profits

Spend time on those who need it, not on credit card applications. Instantly distribute critical funds to the frontline and make every dollar count with Weel's virtual debit cards.

Australia's valued charities and Not-for-Profits trust Weel


Keep your not-for-profit moving

Unlike traditional banking products, we won’t hold your not-for-profit back. Weel has been built to give not-for-profits a credit card alternative that will keep their organisation moving. From our simple KYC process to our instant virtual card distribution, we make sure your funds are able to be safely spent when, and where, they are most needed. We may be able to offer a discount for certain not-for-profits and charities.


Weel can help you to


Respond quickly

Issue workers with virtual debit cards and fund your mission in a matter of seconds. No bank visits, paperwork or card sharing.


Find efficiencies

Automate your entire expense reporting process. Get accurate, up-to-date record keeping and maximise your community impact.


Control spending

Maintain total policy compliance without holding up your efforts. Set custom spend rules and budget limits for each cardholder.

Replace petty cash and shared credit cards with Weel's virtual debit cards

The days of card sharing and petty cash are over. Instantly issue virtual payment cards to your field workers, without needing boots on the ground. Empower each cardholder to capture expenses on the go via Weel’s app.


“Our caregivers are hired to take care of people in the community with Autism, not complete expense reports.”

~ Keval Shah, Accountant, Autism Association of Western Australia

Stretch your donor funds further

Create spending rules to restrict merchants and transaction amounts or pause cards with a click. Track budgets by projects, workers or beneficiaries.


Keep tabs on your audit trail

Accurate, transparent information is power, especially for not-for-profits. Easily track and manage all spending data in real-time using Weel as your platform of record.


"With 148 employees, we have saved over 300 hours each week on expense admin and reporting."

Rubi Bhonsaria | Accountant, Uniting AgeWell

Plug and play with your existing accounting software

Our integrations do what they say on the tin. We send your transaction data straight to your accounting software solution. Streamline your bookkeeping, and increase the accuracy of your records.


The best credit card alternative for not-for-profits

We may be able to offer a discount for certain not-for-profits and charities. Please book a demo to discuss further.

Issue virtual cards in minutes. No paperwork. Cancel any time.

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