Choose when you want to receive approval notifications

The Problem

Previously, approvers were receiving instant notifications for every approval item, which led to notification fatigue. As a result, many users started to tune out or unsubscribe from these notifications. This posed a risk to the speed at which top-up requests, card payments, bills, and reimbursements were being processed, potentially slowing down business operations.

Our Solution

To alleviate this issue, we’ve introduced the option to customise your notification preferences. You can now choose to turn off instant approval email and push notifications and instead opt for a daily or weekly email summary of all pending approval items. This allows you to stay informed without feeling overwhelmed by constant notifications.

Key Benefits

  1. Reduced Notification Fatigue: By switching from instant notifications to daily or weekly summaries, you can manage your approval tasks without the constant interruption of notifications.
  2. Improved Efficiency: Consolidated summaries ensure that you have all the information you need in one place, helping you prioritise and act on approvals more efficiently.
  3. Customisable Preferences: Tailor your notification settings to suit your workflow, ensuring you receive updates at a frequency that works best for you.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to Settings: Click on the gears icon located in the top navigation bar to access the Settings menu.
  2. Access Profile and Communication Preferences: In the Settings menu, go to the Profile section and then scroll down to Communication Preferences.
  3. Customise Your Notifications: In the Communication Preferences section, you’ll find options to turn off instant approval notifications and enable daily or weekly email summaries. Simply toggle the switch and choose your preferred frequency.

We believe this improvement will significantly enhance your experience with our expense management platform, making it easier to stay on top of your approval tasks without the hassle of constant notifications.

Thank you for your continued feedback and support. We are committed to making our platform work better for you. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Stay tuned for more updates and improvements!

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