Introducing filtered views for Approvals

What's new?

Making it simpler and quicker for our admin and owners to manage approvals, we have introduced the ability to filter between items 'pending your approval' vs all items 'pending approval'.

Key features & benefits

  1. Filter approvals based on what you need to view: You can choose to view approvals on an 'individual' or 'admin' basis. Where the 'individual' view reflects any items pending your approval and the 'admin' view reflects all pending approvals
  2. Updated status tags: The pending approval status has been split into 2 statuses across our web and mobile apps:
    • Pending your approval - Items that require your approval
    • Pending approval - Items that require approval from someone else (but that you can view as an Admin or Owner)
  3. Informed decision-making with Merchant information: Taking on the feedback from our customers who require more information, we now display merchant name for bills, cards and reimbursements and description for top-ups (previously descriptions were displayed for everything)

Getting started

Please visit our Help Centre for instructions, guides and FAQs.