Automated and Downloadable Remittance Notices

We are excited to announce a new feature that will streamline your payment processes and enhance your financial communication with suppliers: Automated and Downloadable Remittance Notices for all paid bills.

Key Benefits

  1. Effortless Record-Keeping:
    • With the new downloadable Remittance Notice, you can easily keep a record of all your paid bills. This helps in maintaining accurate financial records and simplifies the reconciliation process.
  2. Automated Supplier Communication:
    • Automatically send a Remittance Notice to your suppliers as soon as a bill is paid. This ensures timely and consistent communication, improving your relationships with suppliers and reducing potential payment disputes.
  3. Time-Saving:
    • By automating the process of sending Remittance Notices, you save valuable time that can be better spent on other critical business tasks.
  4. Enhanced Professionalism:
    • Providing clear and prompt payment information to suppliers demonstrates professionalism and reliability, enhancing your company's reputation.

How to Use the Remittance Notice Feature

Downloading a Remittance Notice
  1. Navigate to the Payments Section:
    • Go to the main menu and select Payments.
  2. Access the Bills:
    • Click on Bills to see a list of all your bills.
  3. Select a Paid Bill:
    • Click on any paid bill to view its details.
  4. Download the Remittance Notice:
    • On the top right corner of the bill details page, you will find the Remittance Notice button. Click on it to download the Remittance Notice for that bill.
Setting Up Automated Remittance Notices
  1. Add/Edit Supplier Details:
    • When adding a new supplier or editing an existing supplier’s details, navigate to the supplier management section.
  2. Enter Supplier Email Address:
    • Ensure that the supplier’s email address is correctly entered.
  3. Enable Automated Remittance Notices:
    • After entering the email address, you will see a checkmark option to enable automated Remittance Notices. Check this box to activate the feature.
  4. Save Changes:
    • Save the supplier details. Now, every time a bill is paid, a Remittance Notice will automatically be sent to the supplier’s email address.

This new feature is designed to make your bill payment process smoother and more efficient. By providing both downloadable and automated Remittance Notices, we aim to enhance your financial management capabilities and strengthen your supplier relationships. We hope you find this feature valuable and easy to use.

For any questions or further assistance, please contact our support team. Happy managing!