Flexible Tax Invoice Options to suit your business

Enhanced Tax Invoice Requirements: Greater Flexibility for Your Finance Team

We are excited to announce a significant improvement to our expense management system, based on your valuable feedback. Previously, team members could mark card expense reports, bills, or reimbursements as "No tax invoice." However, finance admins have requested more flexibility in managing tax invoice requirements. We have listened, and we are pleased to introduce a customisable tax invoice requirement feature, with three new options: Mandatory, Optional, and No Tax Invoice Required.

What’s New?

With the enhanced tax invoice requirement feature, you can now:

  • Set Requirements Per Payment Type: Customise tax invoice requirements for card expenses, bills, and reimbursements according to your needs.
  • Choose from Three Options: Select from Mandatory, Optional, or No Tax Invoice Required to provide the right level of control and flexibility for your finance team.

Key Features

  1. Mandatory: Require a tax invoice for specific payments, ensuring compliance and thorough documentation.
  2. Optional: Allow team members to attach a tax invoice if available, offering flexibility while encouraging proper documentation.
  3. No Tax Invoice Required: For certain payments where a tax invoice is not necessary, streamline the process by marking it as not required.

Getting Started

To customise the tax invoice requirements, admins need to:

  1. Access Settings: Log in to your admin account and navigate to the 'Settings' page.
  2. Navigate to Expense Management: Click on the 'Expense Management' section.
  3. Select Tax Invoice Settings: In the 'Tax Invoice' section, choose the desired requirement option (Mandatory, Optional, or No Tax Invoice Required) for each payment type.


  • Increased Flexibility: Tailor tax invoice requirements to fit the specific needs of your business and various payment types.
  • Enhanced Control: Ensure compliance and proper documentation with the ability to mandate tax invoices when necessary.
  • Streamlined Processes: Simplify expense management by reducing unnecessary steps for payments that do not require a tax invoice.

Our support team is available to assist with any questions or concerns.

We are committed to continuously improving our platform to better serve your needs. This update provides the flexibility and control you’ve been asking for, making expense management even more efficient and tailored to your business.

Customise your tax invoice requirements today and experience a more flexible and controlled expense management system!

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